
How to have windows on top of each other
How to have windows on top of each other

I can drag that note down further - and keep doing this until I have done this 7 times. Another way to explain this problem is that if I click on and delete a note, it will still be there - until I do this 8 times. I can click on a note, drag it down and then the note underneath will show. Each note in this "stack" is identical in duration and velocity. Info_botton = tk.Label(bottomFrame, justify=tk.CENTER, text=info, font = "arial 14 bold").On one midi instrument track - in the piano roll editor - I have discovered that there are actually 7 notes "underneath" each note. Info = """Drone Speed = XXX Km/h Drone Distance = XXX m Wind Direction = XX Wind Force = XX Knots""" TempMaplab = tk.Label(rightFrame, image=tempMap).grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)īottomFrame = tk.Frame(topwin, relief='solid', bd=2)īid(row=2, column=1, padx=10, pady=10, sticky="s") TempMap = img_resize("temp_heat_map.png", one_in_fifteen_w, one_in_forty_h) Loginb = tk.Button(topRightFrame, image=loginImg, command=login, height=tenth_h, width=tenth_h)ĮxitImg = img_resize("exit_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h)Įxitb = tk.Button(topRightFrame, image=exitImg, command=quit, height=tenth_h, width=tenth_h) LoginImg = img_resize("login_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h) Infob = tk.Button(topRightFrame, image=infoImg, command=copyright, height=tenth_h, width=tenth_h) InfoImg = img_resize("copyright_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h) Settingb = tk.Button(topRightFrame, image=settImg, command=settings, height=tenth_h, width=tenth_h) SettImg = img_resize("settings_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h) Thermalmenub = tk.Button(topLeftFrame, image=thermalmenuImg, command=thermalmenu, height=tenth_h, width=tenth_h) ThermalmenuImg = img_resize("thermal_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h) Rgbmenub = tk.Button(topLeftFrame, image=rgbmenuImg, command=rgbmenu, height=tenth_h, width=tenth_h) RgbmenuImg = img_resize("rgb_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h) Homeb = tk.Button(topLeftFrame, image=homeImg, command=homeMenu, width=tenth_h, height= tenth_h) HomeImg = img_resize("home_icon.png", tenth_h, tenth_h) Img = img.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)

how to have windows on top of each other

Logo_label = tk.Label(win, image=mapImg).pack() MapImg = img_resize("middle_earth_map.png", screen_width, screen_height) One_in_fivefive_h = ceil(0.55*screen_height)

how to have windows on top of each other

how to have windows on top of each other

One_in_fifteen_w = ceil(0.015*screen_width) Win.title("Semi-Autonomous Fire Scout Drone Main Frame User Interface")


Is there any way of creating the second window that does not involve using the tk.Frame function? Because that is what i have at the moment and when i run the code it only shows the map.ĮDIT:I packed the topwin, but i still dont get the result i want, i will attach pictures of what i get now and what my goal is: The way i want it to work is to have a main window that only contains the map, and a second window ("topwin" in the code) placed on top of it that contains a grid with different frames for the bottoms and labels. I am trying to design a GUI that hold a map the user can interact with (move around, zoom in and zoom out from, etc.) and some additional bottoms with different functions attached to them.

How to have windows on top of each other